Wonders of the Desert
A perspective of the desert that is more than a dry and hot environment.
May 13 – July 7, 2017
Patti Akesson, Cynthia Alvarez, Kristi Arzola, Paul Baresic, Karol Blumenthal, Craig Bobchin, Annie Brink, Lynn Coleman, Jerry Cowart, Milton Decker, Celeste DeCourdes, Paula Diggs, Lee Edwards, Lynne Fearman, Marian Fortunati, Ralph A. Gamboa, Susan Gesundheit, Eleanor Gray, Helen Hasenfeld, Judy Heimlich, Jeff Hilbers, Jeanne Iler, Smadar Knobler, Ben Levin, Gregory Martinez, Gregory Moore, Laurie Morgan, Harry Nickelson, Patty O’Hearn, Terumi Paganini, Angela T. Phillips, Ronald S. Rocha, Dody Rogers, Terry Romero Paul, Ellen Rundle, Karen Schroder, SHADDSTONE, Violetta Sorcini, Beth Summers, Barbara Tabachnick, Jane Thorpe, Loraine Veeck, Therese Verner, Leslie Walldstedt, Erika Wain Decker, Norma Warden, Nicole Wilde, Eileen Wintemute, James Wisnowski, Julie Wu, Ruben Zavala
Jr. Art League Participants
Serena Cruz, Bertha Diaz, Jazmine Mendez, Rosana Paz, Miki Soto, Gisel Villalobos